Experience: House: District 8, 2005-Present
Home State: Washington
Running: President, United States, 2016
Total Raised: $1,138,948Coverage End: Thursday, June 30, 2016
Winning: Won with 0.00%
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    Full Name: David 'Dave' George Reichert
    Gender: Male
    Family: Wife: Julie; 3 Children: Angela, Tabitha, Daniel
    Birth Date: 08/29/1950
    Birth Place: Detroit Lakes, MN
    Home City: Auburn, WA
    Religion: Lutheran


    AA, Concordia Lutheran College, 1970

Political Experience

    Representative, United States House of Representatives, 2004-present

Current Legislative Committees

    Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures, Chair
    Subcommittee on Trade, Member
    Ways and Means, Member

Caucuses/Non-Legislative Committees

    Co-Chair, Congressional Global Health Caucus
    Member, Congressional Biomedical Research Caucus
    Member, Congressional Caucus on Drug Policy
    Member, Congressional Caucus to Fight and Control Methamphetamine
    Member, Congressional Children's Health Care Caucus
    Member, Congressional Down Syndrome Caucus
    Member, Congressional Fire Services Caucus Co-Chair, Congressional Global Health Caucus
    Member, Congressional Goods Movement Caucus
    Member, Congressional Health Care Coalition
    Member, Congressional Hunger Caucus
    Member, Congressional Kids Healthcare Caucus
    Member, Congressional Malaria Caucus
    Member, Congressional Multiple Sclerosis Caucus
    Member, Congressional Port Security Caucus
    Member, Congressional Soccer Caucus
    Member, Congressional Suburban Agenda Caucus
    Co-Chair, Congressional Task Force on Childhood Obesity
    Member, Congressional Victims’ Rights Caucus
    Former Member, King County Committee to End Homelessness
    Member, Law Enforcement Caucus
    Member, Congressional Fire Services Caucus
    Member, National Security Solutions Group

Professional Experience

    Sheriff, Kings County, 1997-2004
    Employed, Sheriff's Office, King County, Washington, 1972-1997
    Served, United States Air Force Reserve, 1971-1976

Religious, Civic, and other Memberships

    Member, Board of Directors, Special Olympics of Washington
    Former Member, King County Criminal Justice Council
    Former Member, King County Domestic Violence Council
    Former Co-Chair, King County Meth Coalition
    Member, President's Export Council
    Former Executive Board Member, Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs
    Former Co-Chair, Washington State Partners in Crisis
    Former President, Washington State Sheriff's Association

Additional Information


    Champion of Freedom, Washington Policy Center
    Sheriff of the Year, National Sheriffs Association, 2004
    Medal of Valor, King County Sheriff's Office
    Public Policy Award, Families Northwest
Total: 1
General Survey
Issue Title Candidate's Answers
1. Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right

2. Stricter punishment reduces crime

3. Marijuana is a gateway drug
4. Higher taxes on the wealthy

Strongly Oppose
5. Stimulus better than market-led recovery

6. Vouchers for school choice

7. Make voter registration easier

8. Prioritize green energy

9. Avoid foreign entanglements
10. Expand the military

11. Support & expand free trade

Strongly Support
12. Support American Exceptionalism
13. Absolute right to gun ownership

Strongly Support
14. Expand ObamaCare

15. Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens

16. EPA regulations are too restrictive

Strongly Oppose
17. Keep God in the public sphere

Strongly Support
18. Legally require hiring more women & minorities

19. Comfortable with same-sex marriage

20. Privatize Social Security

No Opinion
Total: 139
Introduced Date Bill Number Bill Title Last Action
06/12/2017 H.R.2885 To award a Congressional Gold Medal to the United States Army Dust Off crews of the Vietnam War, collectively, in recognition of their extraordinary heroism and life-saving actions in Vietnam. 06/12/2017 Referred to House Administration  (All Actions)
06/08/2017 H.R.2860 To amend title II of the Social Security Act to permit American Indian tribal councils to enter into agreements with the Commissioner of Social Security to obtain social security coverage for services performed by tribal council members. 06/08/2017 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.  (All Actions)
05/22/2017 H.R.1039 Probation Officer Protection Act of 2017 05/22/2017 Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.  (All Actions)
04/12/2017 H.R.2092 Promotion and Expansion of Private Employee Ownership Act of 2017 04/12/2017 Referred to House Small Business  (All Actions)
04/10/2017 H.R.1791 Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Act 04/10/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on Federal Lands.  (All Actions)
04/06/2017 H.R.2060 Improved Employment Outcomes for Foster Youth Act of 2017 04/06/2017 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.  (All Actions)
03/23/2017 H.R.1696 S Corporation Modernization Act of 2017 03/23/2017 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.  (All Actions)
03/15/2017 H.R.1550 Volunteer Responder Incentive Protection Act of 2017 03/15/2017 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.  (All Actions)
02/21/2017 H.R.930 Lymphedema Treatment Act 02/21/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
11/17/2016 H.R.6376 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the energy efficient commercial buildings deduction, and for other purposes. 11/17/2016 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.  (All Actions)
09/28/2016 H.Res.899 Expressing support for a stable and sustainable funding source for the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME) Program. 09/28/2016 Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.  (All Actions)
07/13/2016 H.R.5754 S Corporation Modernization Act of 2016 07/13/2016 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.  (All Actions)
06/10/2016 H.R.5417 Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund Reform Act of 2016 06/10/2016 Referred to the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment.  (All Actions)
06/09/2016 H.R.5397 Daniel J. Evans Olympic National Park Wilderness Act 06/09/2016 Referred to the Subcommittee on Federal Lands.  (All Actions)
05/19/2016 H.R.5299 Dust Off Crews of the Vietnam War Congressional Gold Medal Act 05/19/2016 Referred to House Administration  (All Actions)
05/17/2016 H.R.5081 Probation Officer Protection Act of 2016 05/17/2016 Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations.  (All Actions)
04/20/2016 H.R.5007 Philanthropic Enterprise Act of 2016 04/20/2016 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.  (All Actions)
03/08/2016 H.R.4686 Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project Phase III Act 03/08/2016 Referred to the Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans.  (All Actions)
11/16/2015 H.R.3433 PORTS Act 11/16/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions.  (All Actions)
11/16/2015 H.R.2096 Promotion and Expansion of Private Employee Ownership Act of 2015 11/16/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions.  (All Actions)
Total: 1211
Date Bill Number Bill Title Result Vote
10/21/2005 H.R.3135 Private Property Rights Protection Act of 2005
10/17/2005 H.R.4033 ALS Registry Act
10/17/2005 H.R.3933 Suburban and Community Forestry and Open Space Program Act of 2005
10/07/2005 H.J.Res.61 Supporting the goals and ideals of Gold Star Mothers Day. Passed Yea
09/29/2005 H.R.1749 Pest Management and Fire Suppression Flexibility Act
09/28/2005 H.Con.Res.209 Supporting the goals and ideals of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and expressing the sense of Congress that Congress should raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating effects on families. Passed Nay
09/27/2005 H.R.2363 Peace Officer Justice Act
09/22/2005 H.R.3883 Timber Tax Act of 2005
09/20/2005 H.Res.441 To congratulate the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Discovery crew of Commander Eileen Collins, Pilot Jim Kelly, Mission Specialist Charlie Camarda, Mission Specialist Wendy Lawrence, Mission Specialist Soichi Noguchi, Mission Specialist Steve Robinson, and Mission Specialist Andy Thomas on the successful completion of their 14 day test flight to the International Space Station for the first step of the Vision for Space Exploration, begun from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on July 26, 2005, and completed at Edwards Air Force Base, California, on August 9, 2005, which historical mission represented a great step forward into the new beginning of the Second Space Age. Failed Nay
09/19/2005 H.R.3762 To require higher standards of automobile fuel efficiency in order to reduce the amount of oil used for fuel by automobiles in the United States by 10 percent beginning in 2016, and for other purposes.
09/19/2005 H.R.3644 To exempt boilermakers from the numerical limitation applicable to nonimmigrants issued a visa or otherwise provided status under section 101(a)(15)(H)(ii)(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
09/15/2005 H.R.3132 Children's Safety Act of 2005 Failed Yea
08/23/2005 H.J.Res.58 Proposing a balanced budget amendment the Constitution of the United States.
07/01/2005 H.R.3096 Kidney Patient More Frequent Dialysis Quality Act of 2005
08/10/2005 H.R.2876 Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2005
08/10/2005 H.R.3 SAFETEA-LU
07/27/2005 H.R.3373 Preserving Patient Access to Inpatient Rehabilitation Hospitals Act of 2005
07/26/2005 H.R.3174 To direct the Secretary of the Army to carry out without delay a thorough review of the cases of all 28 individuals convicted in the court-martial arising from a disturbance at Fort Lawton, Seattle, Washington, on August 14, 1944, and to require the Secretary to correct the military records (including the record of the court-martial in such case) of any individual as necessary to rectify error or injustice.
07/14/2005 H.R.1355 Child Predator Act of 2005
07/13/2005 H.R.68 NASA and JPL 50th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act
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