Experience: House: District 1, 1999-Present
Home State: Wisconsin
Social Media
Running: President, United States, 2016
Total Raised: $14,690,620Coverage End: Thursday, June 30, 2016
Winning: Won with 0.00%
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    Full Name: Alex X. Mooney
    Family: Wife: Janna; 3 Children: Elizabeth, Charles, Samuel
    Birth Date:01/29/1970
    Birth Place:Janesville, WI
    Home City: Janesville, WI
    Religion: Roman Catholic


    BA, Philosophy, Dartmouth College, 1993

Political Experience

    Representative, United States House of Representative, 1998-present
    Candidate, United States Vice President, 2012

Current Legislative Committees

    Joint Committee on Taxation, Chair
    Ways and Means, Chair

Caucuses/Non-Legislative Committees

    Member, Community Solutions and Initiatives Coalition
    Co-Chair, Congressional Sportsmens Caucus

Professional Experience

    Economic Policy Analyst
    Former Speechwriter, Jack Kemp Vice Presidential Campaign
    Former Speechwriter, Office of the Director of National Drug Control Policy
    Former President, Ryan Incorporated
    Marketing Consultant, Ryan Incorporated Central, 1997-1998
    Legislative Director, United States Senator Sam Brownback, 1995-1997
    Staff Assistant, Empower America, 1993-1995
    Legislative Aide, United States Senator Robert Kasten of Wisconsin, 1992

Religious, Civic, and other Memberships

    Member, Ducks Unlimited
    Member, Janesville Bowmen, Incorporated
    Board Member, Rock County Junior Achievement
    Member, Saint John Vianney’s Parish
    Member, Saint Mary's Parish

Additional Information

Priority Issues:

Since I have entered Congress, I have been fighting to make Social Security & Medicare solvent & financially sound for future generations, while protecting current seniors' benefits. As a member of the House Ways & Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over revenue matters, I have helped deliver significant tax relief to spur economic growth & create jobs. I also serve on the House Budget Committee & the Joint Economic Committee.'

Total: 36
Ryan and McConnell confront their first big test

In a break from past infighting, Republican leaders are united behind a plan to tighten oversight of Syrian refugees.

By Jake Sherman and Seung Min Kim | POLITICO
House rushes to halt refugees

With Americans fearing a Paris-style attack at home, the House is rushing to vote this week on legislation that would temporarily halt the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the U.S.

By Scott Wong, Jordan Fabian and Alex Bolton | The Hill
Paul Ryan seen as boost to criminal justice reform push

Proponents of criminal justice reform view new Speaker Paul Ryan as an ally, and see his ascension as a boost to the bipartisan push to overhaul decades-old sentencing and drug laws.

By Lydia Wheeler | The Hill
The Ryan Revolution

The new speaker is moving to empower hardliners and relinquish some of his powers. But there are real risks it could backfire.

By Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer | POLITICO
With honeymoon over, Paul Ryan vows 'to go on offense'

New House Speaker Paul Ryan figures his honeymoon is already over.

By David Jackson | USA Today
Obama and Ryan: Covert collaborators

The two wonkish leaders, who've had their ups and downs, get ready to try to get along.

By Edward-Isaac Dovere | POLITICO
Ryan: I'm 'ready and eager' to be House speaker

Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan said he is "ready and eager" to be speaker of the House, and he believes the beleaguered Republican Conference is "ready to move forward as one, united team."

By Jake Sherman | POLITICO
GOP women will vote for Ryan

Paul Ryan has won over the Republican Party’s female lawmakers.

By Lauren French | POLITICO
How Paul Ryan got to (almost) yes

The reluctant speaker candidate drafted a secret five-point plan to run. Now it's on Republicans to decide if they like it.

By Jake Sherman , John Bresnahan and Anna Palmer | POLITICO
Ryan to proceed with speaker bid

He says he's prepared to move ahead despite not securing the formal endorsement of the Freedom Caucus.

By Jake Sherman and Lauren French | POLITICO
Paul Ryan Willing to Run for Speaker With Key GOP Endorsements
Ways and Means record offers clues to a Ryan speakership

If the past is any guide, Paul Ryan would be an uncommonly detail-oriented House speaker.

By Katy O'Donnell and Doug Palmer | POLITICO
Ryan freezes race for speaker

Until he decides, other hopefuls for the job are proceeding very gingerly.

By Jake Sherman | POLITICO
What Ryan-Murray taught us about a potential Speaker Ryan

The hard math — budget-wise and within the Republican Conference — would remain unchanged.

By David Rogers | POLITICO
Paul Ryan Upgrades War On Poverty From Failure To Stalemate

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), one of the Republican Party's top safety net experts, changed his tune slightly this week about the War on Poverty.

By Arthur Delaney | The Huffington Post
Paul Ryan, Teaming Up With Obama, Takes a Big Gamble on Trade
By Lauren Fox | National Journal
General Survey
Issue Title Candidate's Answers
1. Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right

Strongly Oppose
2. Stricter punishment reduces crime

Strongly Support
3. Marijuana is a gateway drug
4. Higher taxes on the wealthy

Strongly Oppose
5. Stimulus better than market-led recovery

Strongly Oppose
6. Vouchers for school choice

Strongly Support
7. Make voter registration easier

8. Prioritize green energy

Strongly Oppose
9. Avoid foreign entanglements
10. Expand the military

Strongly Support
11. Support & expand free trade

12. Support American Exceptionalism
13. Absolute right to gun ownership

Strongly Support
14. Expand ObamaCare

Strongly Oppose
15. Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens

16. EPA regulations are too restrictive

17. Keep God in the public sphere

Strongly Support
18. Legally require hiring more women & minorities

No Opinion
19. Comfortable with same-sex marriage

20. Privatize Social Security

Strongly Support
Total: 93
Introduced Date Bill Number Bill Title Last Action
04/18/2016 H.Res.639 Authorizing the Speaker to appear as amicus curiae on behalf of the House of Representatives in the matter of United States, et al. v. Texas, et al., No. 15-674. 04/18/2016 NOTIFICATION OF FILING - Pursuant to H.Res. 639, the Chair announced that an amicus brief was filed on April 4, 2016 in the United States Supreme Court in the matter of United States v. Texas.  (All Actions)
03/30/2016 H.R.1831 Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission Act of 2016 03/30/2016 Became Public Law No: 114-140. (TXT | PDF)  (All Actions)
08/12/2015 H.R.3291 Medicare Crosswalk Hospital Code Development Act of 2015 08/12/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
07/21/2015 H.R.3038 Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2015, Part II 07/21/2015 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 157.  (All Actions)
06/09/2015 H.R.2688 To block any action from being taken to finalize or give effect to a certain proposed rule governing the Federal child support enforcement program. 06/09/2015 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.  (All Actions)
05/01/2015 H.R.1891 To extend the African Growth and Opportunity Act, the Generalized System of Preferences, the preferential duty treatment program for Haiti, and for other purposes. 05/01/2015 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 70.  (All Actions)
01/28/2015 H.R.599 Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act of 2015 01/28/2015 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.  (All Actions)
11/20/2014 H.R.5754 Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission Act of 2014 11/20/2014 Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  (All Actions)
05/01/2015 H.R.1890 Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 05/01/2015 Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 69.  (All Actions)
02/27/2015 H.R.804 Expanding the Availability of Medicare Data Act 02/27/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
02/03/2015 H.Res.84 Providing amounts for the expenses of the Committee on Ways and Means in the One Hundred Fourteenth Congress. 02/03/2015 Referred to the House Committee on House Administration.  (All Actions)
04/11/2014 H.R.4418 Expanding the Availability of Medicare Data Act 04/11/2014 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
05/08/2013 H.R.1870 Expedited Legislative Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Act of 2013 05/08/2013 Referred to House Rules  (All Actions)
09/13/2012 H.Res.775 Condemning the shooting that killed six innocent people at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, on August 5, 2012. 09/13/2012 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.  (All Actions)
04/11/2014 H.Con.Res.96 Establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2015 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2016 through 2024. 04/11/2014 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 365.  (All Actions)
12/20/2013 H.Con.Res.72 Providing for corrections to the enrollment of H. J. Res. 59. 12/20/2013 Indefinitely postponed by Senate by Unanimous Consent.  (All Actions)
10/16/2013 H.Con.Res.25 Establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2014 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2015 through 2023. 10/16/2013 Ordered held at desk by unanimous consent. Pursuant to the order of 10/16/2013.  (All Actions)
10/11/2013 H.Res.379 Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding certain provisions of the Senate amendment to H.R. 2642 relating to crop insurance. 10/11/2013 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.  (All Actions)
05/16/2012 H.Con.Res.112 Establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2013 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2014 through 2022. 05/16/2012 Motion to proceed to consideration of measure rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 41 - 58. Record Vote Number: 98.  (All Actions)
05/15/2012 H.R.5652 Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012 05/15/2012 Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 398.  (All Actions)
Total: 1069
Date Bill Number Bill Title Result Vote
01/19/2016 H.R.598 Taxpayers Right-To-Know Act Passed Not Voting
11/28/2016 H.R.845 National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act
06/13/2016 H.R.4046 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 220 East Oak Street, Glenwood City, Wisconsin, as the Second Lt. Ellen Ainsworth Memorial Post Office.
06/13/2016 H.Res.343 Expressing concern regarding persistent and credible reports of systematic, state-sanctioned organ harvesting from non-consenting prisoners of conscience in the People's Republic of China, including from large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners and members of other religious and ethnic minority groups.
12/02/2015 H.R.427 Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2015 Passed Not Voting
11/16/2015 H.R.2518 Student Right to Know Before You Go Act of 2015
10/29/2015 H.R.3819 Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2015
09/30/2015 H.R.3614 Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2015
09/21/2015 H.R.3511 National Scenic Trails Parity Act
08/13/2015 H.R.340 REDUCE Act
07/16/2015 H.Res.367 Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives in disapproval of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action agreed to by the P5+1 and Iran on July 14, 2015.
07/06/2015 H.R.893 Boys Town Centennial Commemorative Coin Act
06/10/2015 H.R.235 Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act
04/29/2015 H.R.1179 Preserving the Work Requirement for Welfare Act
07/31/2015 H.R.3236 Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act of 2015 Bill Passed (91-4, 3/5 majority required) Not Voting
05/29/2015 H.R.2353 Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2015 Failed Not Voting
05/11/2015 H.R.2046 Prescription Drug Accountability Act
04/29/2015 H.R.1635 Charlotte's Web Medical Access Act of 2015
04/29/2015 H.R.465 Working Families Flexibility Act of 2015
04/22/2015 H.R.1938 Inspectors General Transparency Act of 2015
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