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By 美国华人之声
二月十二日,星期二,维州华裔联盟主席张炜教授等一行华人代表前往州议会就陈建生老人在自家小区俱乐部被小区保安枪杀一事表示了他们的严重关切,并表达了他们对司法正义的强烈诉求。 代表团成员来自维中、维东和北维各地,包括陈建生老人的侄子陈文仁。 当他们一行到达参议院时,参议院议长对他们的到来表示感谢并请求全体华人代表起立接受热烈的掌声: 这是Senator Siohban Dunnavant 所致的简要欢迎词: 在此之前,华人代表一行和几位州参众议员分别单独会谈,表达了他们诉求司法正义的心声。 代表们从不同角度阐述了对陈案的质疑,表达了华人社区希望警方及时与社区沟通,公正处理本案的强烈诉求。 他们分别和以下的议员进行了会谈: Delegate Barry D Knight ️在和这几位参众议员会谈时,张炜教授亲手呈递给每一位维州的议员一份由他作为联系人签名,并由大华府声援陈建生协调组发起联署的,由101个华人组织联署的一份请愿书。 这份请愿书的全文如下: From: Organizations Demanding Justice for Mr. Jiansheng Chen 12th February 2017 To: Dear Ms. Parr, Mr. Herring, Dr. Krasnoff, Colonel Wright, Governor McAuliffe, and Members of General Assembly, I am writing to you on behalf of 101 organizations listed after this letter regarding the killing of Mr. Jiansheng Chen. We are shocked and deeply saddened by the shooting death of a 60-year-old grandpa, Jiansheng Chen, in the River Walk Community of Chesapeake, Virginia on January 26, 2017. Along with many concerned citizens in this country who have expressed their thoughts online and offline in the past days, we are deeply troubled by this case because of several highly unusual and disturbing facts. Second, what kind of interaction prior to the shooting could have led to and justify firing six shots at the front windshield of a car where a 60-year old man was just playing the Pokémon go? The claim of shooting in self-defense after an altercation that night with Chen who has had multiple previous encounters with the guard was counter intuitive at best. A stream of questions surfaced on whether shooting was the most typical reaction for avoiding a car headed straight for someone, whether firing so many shots in such a concentrated area on the windshield was feasible with a car moving at a speed that posed life threatening danger, and whether and how the car could have not crashed into anything after the driver was shot to death. Finally, what should be the proper protocol after a life was lost? To the best of our knowledge, the shooter was dismissed right after being questioned for a few minutes and was not arrested. It has been two weeks after the shooting and the public is still in the dark as to the results of the investigation, or even the shooter’s name. We are here to express concerns over what transpired that night and what followed. We, along with all concerned citizens, strongly urge that the City of Chesapeake and its Police Department conduct a thorough, fair, and transparent investigation. Chen's family, their community, and all citizens in the society concerned about the use of deadly forces deserve nothing less than the truth. We reserve the rights to take appropriate actions in the future to support Mr. Chen's family if this case is not handled properly. Signed Organizations: 1. 1441 Manufactured-Home Residents Association |
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