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Asian.GOP Joined Monthly Republican Party Meeting of Duval County on August 15
By Asian.GOP Organization: National Committee of Asian American Republicans
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Celebrate the first day of Early Voting and have a last chance to meet the candidates in the August 30th Primary. August is political action month at the Duval Republican Executive Committee. Stewart Bragg, Regional Director of the Republican Party of Florida, was the keynote speaker. Mr. Bragg brought the latest news from the Trump Campaign and the Republican National Committee. Adam Brandon, Co-Chair of Republican Poll Watching, explained the program of how volunteers can assure voter integrity at the polls and sign up volunteers. Coalition teams, Voter Registration teams, Neighborhoos walk teams, Communication Teams and Headquarter Team Leadership were formed. We welcome visitors to join our mission to elect Donald Trump as the next President of the United States. When Monday, August 15, 2016 at 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (EDT) Where Salem Centre |
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