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首届华人议政高峰会: 北美华人参政与维权 (上)
By GCTV | 全球华视  
OP 09/21/2016

[GCTV全球华视讯] 9月18日,首届华人议政高峰会议在美国新泽西州“追梦庄园”隆重举行,来自全美各地华人参政议政领袖和华人社区维权活动领导入齐聚高峰会,头脑风暴,共同研究探讨华人问政的过去、现在和将来。高峰会议的宗旨为:凝聚华人力量、洞察发展方向共创美好未来。大会对近几年来北美华人组织的几起重要维权活动进行了充分深入的回顾、总结和反思。大会由New Asian Leaders和北美群联会共同举办。

New Asian Leaders的执行主任李忠刚先生、北美群联会创办人何昌耘先生、美国华人全国委员会主席薛海培先生、新 泽西Englewood Cliffs市议员梁智先生、亚裔教育联盟主席赵宇空先生、亚裔教育联盟副主席欧阳了寒先生、纽约教育联盟的David Lee先生、挺梁大游行发起人之一吴一平、匹兹堡侨联计冠光先生、纽约州议员寇顿竞选经理Susan Guan以及北美群联会、全球华视代表均出席会议并做相关发言。

大会开始由会议组织者之一、New Asian Leaders的执行主任李忠刚先生做开场致辞,他表示:为关心华人种族利益、维护华人团结、凝聚华人力量,我们应洞察总结过去的经验并探讨未来发展方向以共创美好未来。大会主题将对近几年来北美华人社区的几起重要维权活动进行了充分深入的回顾、总结和反思。

Morning Session:

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Lead by Mr. Zhi Liang 梁智, Councilman, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Opening Remarks
Mr. Cliff Zhonggang Li 李忠刚,Executive Director, New Asian Leaders

ABC Jimmy Kimmel “Kill Chinese” incidence; apology settlement
Speaker: Mr. Jack OuYang 欧阳了寒, co-founder of the movement
Mr. Haipei Xue 薛海培, one of negotiators

New York Specialized High School admission
Speaker: Mr. David Lee, co-founder of CoalitonEDU
Mr. Stanley Ng

Equal Education Rights; Civil rights complaint against Ive League college admission
Speaker: Mr. YuKong Zhao 赵宇空, President, Asian American Coalition for EducationMr. Stanley Ng, Mr. Jack OuYang 欧阳了寒

Political campaigns in NY 2016, New York, New York …
Speaker: Ms. Susan Guan, chief of staff, campaign manager to New York State Assemblyman William Colton

Afternoon Session #1:
My experiences in local government, why should we get involved and how
Mr. Zhi Liang 梁智, Councilman, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Protect our children; Say no to reckless Obama transgender guideline
Speaker: Mr. Zhongdan Lan 兰忠丹, co-founder of the Movement

March for Equal Justice, Parade of hundreds of thousands for Peter Liang;
Speakers: Mr. YiPing Wu 吴一平, Major commander in Operation of NY 220 Parade,
Mr. Wei Dai 代伟, Mr. Jinliang Chen陳錦良, Mr. Alex Cao曹亞力士, and Mr. Kevin Ni.

Discussion of Sherry Chen case, Lindy Li National Campaign and other important events in Chinese American communities
Mr. Guanguang Ji 计冠光, Mr. Yingchao Zhang 张迎潮, Prof. George Li李真真, Ms Lucy Liu刘乐天, Mr. Wei Dai 代伟, Ms. Qing Liao 廖青, Ms. Stephanie Tan谭笑

UCA and First Inaugural Chinese American Convention
Speaker: Mr. Haipei Xue薛海培, President, United Chinese Americans
Mr. Yingchao Zhang 张迎潮, Ms. Qing Liao 廖青, Ms. Stephanie Tan谭笑

Movers and Shakers: How Social Media WeChat changes the paradigm, connects the entire community now more than ever, and is developing fast
Speakers: Mr. Jerry ChangYun He 何昌耘, President, Northern America United We-Groups 
the NAUWG team the NAUWG team 闲人,孙亚平,Shen, Mandy, George Li ,陌上花,娟,西山雨,黄文新,王顿

Ignored political voices; Our new political identity; Rising up in mainstream politics
through US Party political structure
Mr. Cliff Zhonggang Li 李忠刚, Executive Director, National Committee of Asian American

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