Poll: Clinton trails Republicans in three swing states
07/21/2015    By David Jackson | USA TODAY POLITICS BLOG
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (Charlie Neibergall, AP)


A new poll shows Hillary Clinton trailing potential Republican opponents in the key states of Colorado, Iowa and Virginia.

Clinton is currently losing those electoral votes in theoretical matchups with Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio, according to a Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll released Wednesday.

The former secretary of state and New York senator “has lost ground in the horse race and on key questions about her honesty and leadership,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

Clinton led polls in the swing states of Iowa, Colorado and Virginia earlier in the year.

“On being a strong leader, a key metric in presidential campaigns, she has dropped four to 10 points depending on the state and she is barely above 50% in each of the three states,” Brown said.

The poll also shows that one of Clinton’s opponents in the Democratic nomination race, Bernie Sanders, runs as well or better against the Republicans in Iowa and Colorado.

Also from Quinnipiac:

Perhaps the biggest loser, however, is Donald Trump, who has negative favorability ratings of almost 2-1 in each state, the independent Quinnipiac University Poll finds. The Swing State Poll focuses on key states in the presidential election.…

“Donald Trump stands out for the wrong reason among the 17 candidates for the Republican presination: His large negative favorability rating means his growth potential is not as attractive as hisdential nomi competitors,” Brown said.

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